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Natixis Investment Managers | Solutions

Mark J. Cintolo, CFA, CAIA

Vice President, Portfolio Consultant

Natixis Investment Managers Solutions

Mark Cintolo is part of the Portfolio Analysis & Consulting team that provides portfolio construction consultation to institutional and wealth advisory clients. He has over 20 years of investment industry experience, spent primarily modeling and communicating quantitative concepts impacting asset allocation and portfolio risk management. Prior to joining Natixis, Mark was a senior research consultant in NEPC’s Asset Allocation group. He served previously as an associate in Towers Perrin’s retirement practice and as a structured finance analyst for US Bank.

Mark has a master’s degree in finance and bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and economics from Boston College. He is a CFA® charterholder and holds the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA®) designation.

CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are registered trademarks owned by the CFA Institute.
